Tag Archives: pregnancy


Postpartum Blues: How to Survive the First Six Weeks!

Did you ever rewind and think about the period when you were 38 weeks pregnant? That’s when you were ready to bring into this world the 7-pound wonder that you had beenRead More…


Bye-Bye OB/GYN: 8 Signs that You Should Get a New Obstetrician

Your obstetrician (OB/GYN) is the person who will help take care of you throughout your pregnancy until after birth. Naturally, you want to know they’re skilled and trustworthy to take on whatRead More…


Read, Talk and Play Music for Your Fetus: The Proven Benefits Beyond Bonding!

A fetus can’t yet sympathize with heartfelt lyrics or follow a gripping bedtime story, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t benefits. In fact, many studies show what mothers have known all along:Read More…


11 Easy and Super Fun Pregnancy Exercise Ideas That You’ll Actually Do

Staying active during pregnancy doesn’t mean you need to hit the gym every day or start training for a marathon. Simply moving your body and increasing your heart rate can be enoughRead More…


How to monitor your newborn’s weight and its implications?

A good way of learning if your baby is healthy and growing normally is to check the weight regularly. This way you are sure that your baby is getting all the nutritionRead More…


How best to use an Electric Breast Pump: 10 Top Tips

Getting the hang of using a breast pump can take some time and needs a bit of dedication and time on your part.  Some moms may consider it a bit weird toRead More…


The Fun way to Enjoy Eating and get enough Nutrition While you are Pregnant

Getting pregnant is probably the greatest thing that can happen to a woman. And while the pregnancy progresses, it isn’t just your belly that grows big, your appetite gets equally big. IfRead More…


Why Am I Going Nuts? How to Deal with my Pregnancy Emotions and Mood Swings?

The good news is that you are not to blame for your mood swings. The culprits are your hormones which cause those crazy mood swings that are seemingly uncontrollable. As soon asRead More…