If you find a lower price online, in-store, or in print before you buy or within 7 calendar days of your purchase we'll make sure we match that price 100%.
To make sure you qualify for a price match please see the details below.
First - Do you qualify for a match??
The items you are comparing must match exactly for a price match.
- In order to get a price match you must either be buying an item today if you haven't bought it already, or contact us within 7 calendar days of purchase.
- The item(s) must be exact and identical. The model numbers and brand names must match. The included accessories must match. Shipping costs and shipping time muct match. All in all to match the prive it must be an identical match as it appears on babydoppler.com.
- The items must be in U.S. Dollars or Canadian Dollars and include all environmental fees, shipping costs, and other charges. Currency will be dependent on your local currency based on your location.
- The items must be sold AND shipped by a retailer or authorised dealer located within the United States or Canada. eBay and Amazon or similar online auction sites where the seller cannot be verified as an authorized reseller will not be matched and are not included in our Price Match Guarantee
- The items must be in stock, available for sale, and cannot be a limited time offer or available only in limited quantity.
- The item's price must not be lower due to an advertising error, misprint, or special sale price. Special sale prices include: Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day, special educational prices, restricted offers, mail order offers, rebates, coupons, premiums, free or bonus offers, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) prices, close-outs, liquidations, clearances, and financing offers.
Second - How can I claim a refund for the difference?
Very Easy, if you already purchased the item, just send us an email to
pricematch@babydoppler.com with your order number, link or photo of competitor's items and we will dive into it right away.
If you are considering purchasing then send us an email first to
pricematch@babydoppler.com with the link or photo of competitor's advertising and we will follow up with details on how to get a price match.
Feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions regarding our price match guarantee or if you have any fetal doppler specific questions. We will try our best to help you out every way we can.