pregnancy nausea

Pregnant Not Eating Food? 7 Appetite Loss Tips for Expecting Moms

Pregnancy triggers ravenous hunger but not for everyone. Having a bun in the oven usually leads to cravings and an increased appetite. Yet, some women feel turned off of food completely. Why?Read More…

Pregnancy High Blood Pressure Symptoms

7 Pregnant High Blood Pressure Symptoms to Monitor

Having high blood pressure when pregnant is more common than you might think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), high blood happens in one in every 12 toRead More…

Pregnancy & Birth Affirmations

64 Birth Affirmations for a Calm and Smooth Labor

Birth affirmations can make you feel better about labor. Those who have anxiety about delivery can learn to improve their mindset over time by repeating short, positive phrases. With that being said,Read More…

Early Pregnancy Symptoms After Ovulation

9 Early Pregnancy Symptoms After Ovulation: Day By Day

When you’re in conception mode, you might be hyperaware of your body’s changes. If something is different, you might immediately wonder if it’s an early pregnancy symptom. Especially after ovulation, you hopeRead More…

DIY Heartbeat Keepsake Ideas

DIY Heartbeat Video Keepsake with Fetal Doppler Sonoline B

Fetal dopplers connect you with your baby at the moment. But they can also be used to create a keepsake you’ll cherish forever. Using the BabyDoppler app and a fetal doppler, recordRead More…


Are Cramps During Pregnancy Normal? 11 Causes

Feeling cramps during pregnancy can cause anxiety. Is your baby okay? While your mind may rush and theorize all the things that could be wrong—it may be completely normal. There can beRead More…